An Overview of Honeypots & SCADA Systems
Andrew Nicholson introduces honeypots for SCADA systems and presents a short study of the current landscape of SCADA honeypots.
Trustworthy Cyber-Physical Systems
Hugh Boyse takes a look at how our safety and security depends upon the trustworthy operation of cyber-physical systems.
Forensic Response to Cyber Terror Takedown
Cyber Forensics and First Responder Cyber Response are inextricably linked to computing; John Walker considers an attack and how to respond.
Using Network Intrusion Detection Systems
Muteb Alqahtani and Brian Cusack investigate how logs that are designed for debugging systems are often lacking in capability for forensics purposes.
iPhone Backup Files
Part two of this article provides recommendations as to where valuable artefacts can be located and other tips to aid the investigation process.
Erasure Tool Performance
Andrew Woodward and Brian Cusack take a look at how privacy protection is at risk with poor tool performance when it comes to using Secure Erasure Tools.
My Name Is Paul
Over a number of months during the last year Jeff Harris has been conducting live research using Shodan and other tools. He reveals his results.
Conference Report
With many conferences taking place around the world, we bring you an update on the Leicester Cyber Week.
Linux for Business
With Window’s XP rapidly approaching the end of its extended support, many businesses are asking themselves, what shall we do next?
Plus all the regular features......