Saturday, January 11 2025

Steganography & Metadata

This article deals with digital steganography with the hidden data is in various formats like audio, video, plain text, and pdf formats hidden in jpeg files.

iOS 9 Forensics

The iOS 9 operating system released by Apple in September 2015 introduced several new features and some applications were completely redefined... This article discusses the methods available for the acquisition of devices with iOS9, distinguishing different scenarios, as well as an analysis of main artefacts related to the features, system and third-party applications.

Drawing Accurate Forensic Conclusions

This article presents some of the thought processes involved in performing forensic analysis of software and hardware for intellectual property litigation. Quantitative measures must be used first to determine objective facts, subjective evidence can be used next to make further deductions, and reason must be used to reach reasonable conclusions.

Hunting with Honeypots

In this article, we explain how there is more to a good defence strategy than what most companies and vendors would qualify as a good defence strategy; it requires timely detection and dynamic deflection, as most companies take more than six months to discover a data breach, by which point a great deal of damage may already have been done.


Malvertising is to trick the online user that an online advertisement is genuine. The ad itself is an infection of sorts, injected with malware software or code. While the concept appears basic, there exists a complex layer of coding and behavioural instinct in some ads to make them hard to find and trace...

Plus all the regular features......

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