Friday, February 7 2025

Cyber Forensic Tool Machine Learning Evaluation – Tool Automation Dilemmas

Fully automated cyber-forensic tools have the potential to speed up the forensic workflow processes. Brian Cusack asks can a machine reach a performance level where the risk of failure is acceptable?

Finding the Needle in the Lawful Intercept Haystack – The Leads Are in The Data

In our lead feature, Alexander Havang explains how investigative leads may still be found, the data is still in there. You just need the right kinds of forensics data to be extracted.

Dealing with DSARs – Overcoming the challenge of Data Subject Access Requests

Miles Clee explains how companies storing personal data can use sound data management and e-discovery solutions to combat administrative burdens and weaponisation tactics.

Preparing for PCI DSS v4.0 Improving Secure Handling of Customer Credit Card Data

Carl Shallow explains how organisations can get payment procedures and protective protocols ready for the impending release of new compliance standards.

Plus all the regular features......