e-Discovery Tools
A look at the tools and techniques used in e-Discovery.
Latent SemantIc Indexing
A mathematical, four-dimensional approach to searching, indexing and discovery.
Hacking the Cloud
Social Engineering case study into hacking cloud systems.
Biometrics & Forensics
The implications of biometrics for the digital investigator.
e-Discovery and the Mac
Sean Morrissey looks at e-Discovery in the Mac world.
Video & Image Forensics
A look at the challenges within image & video processing for child exploitation investigations.
Criminal Profiling
The phases of a computer hacking attack.
File Integrity
The last part in Scott Zimmerman’s look at file integrity tools and what they can do for a system administrator.
DF in Sri Lanka
An in-depth look at digital forensics in Sri Lanka.
Plus all the regular features......