On Trial – Imaging Tool Performance
Some extraction tools work better than others.
Netflow Forensics
Monitoring application specific traffic.
Cyber Security Situational Awareness
Cyber Security and Security Operations are fast becoming the latest areas for investment by CSO’s.
Wifi Forensics
Investigation for WiFi (IEEE 802.11) based networks.
Combat Forensics – An Unmet Need
Most cyber attacks and incursions occur quickly and often go unnoticed.
WARPs – A Framework for Timely Information
How Warning & Alerting of Incidents helps protect the UK National Infrastructure.
Mac OS X Network Primer
Some of the common Mac OS X networking technologies.
Criminal Profiling
Analysis of all phases of a computer intrusion.
Steganography Application Artifact Detection
An Exercise in Digital Archaeology.
Dealing with Digital Evidence Backlog
Is outsourcing the answer?
Plus all the regular features......